When it comes to how a timezone may affect the actual start/end dates of enrollments in Agilix Buzz, there are four factors involved:
1) How the enrollment was created?
- If the enrollment end date was created through the Buzz UI, Buzz will have the enrollment end at 11:59PM in the timezone of the user who created the enrollment.
- If the enrollment end date was created through the SiS Sync, the enrollment end date will be at 11:59pm UTC Timezone
2) If the enrollment was then edited, how was that done?
- If the enrollment end date was edited through the Buzz UI, Buzz will have the enrollment end at 11:59PM in the timezone of the user who edited the enrollment.
- If the enrollment end date was edited through the SiS Sync , the enrollment end date will be at 11:59pm UTC Timezone
3) Local time for user
- While the end date is set to UTC timezone, it will display in the local timezone of the user (so there can be a mismatch if two users are in different timezones)
4) Potentially local time for user who may have edited the enrollment.
- If the edit was done via the UI, that will affect things as listed above
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